Monday, February 4, 2008

Our Little "STUD MUFFIN"

Tyler our funny little STUD muffin!

Today our cute little Tyler is 10 months old. I can't believe how fast he is growing. He is getting to be so funny! He is already starting to talk! He says, "ma-ma", "uh-oh" & "boo". I love it, he'll cover his face with his blanket & pull it down and say, "boo" really soft. It is so sweet.

I found the cutest shirt that says STUD & then it has a picture of a muffin. See below of our little stud! Steve was just sad the shirt didn't come in his size (ha-ha)!

He does have a temper too! He wanted my camera.

Here are my STUD MUFFINS posing together with their nice "faux" hawks!

When Steve came out of the bathroom with this cool new hair style, I just burst out laughing!
Aren't they cute?

1 comment:

Julie said...

They look awesome in their faux hawks. Tyler is so dang cute!! Sorry about Steve, he has sure been through a lot. He is lucky to have such a good wife.