Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dance Recital

Libby hasn't taken dance since she was three & started again this year.
She LOVED it!  
Her recital was on Friday, May 17th.  
The theme was Dancing Through The Decades!
Her dance was for the 80's...
Her class did such a good job!
 It was so fun to watch...
 Libby said, she couldn't stop smiling!
 She really did such a wonderful job!
 They danced to the song, "We Got The Beat".
 We took a lot of pictures...
 They turned out so cute!!
 I had to include most of them in this post!!
She can't wait to take lessons again next year!
 I'm glad she had so much fun!
 She really couldn't stop smiling...
 Sophie kept saying, "My turn to dance!"  through the whole program!
 At the end we let her go on stage...
Then she yelled, "Play music!"  
She was actually crying when we left because she wanted to perform!
 She's so lucky to have a sister that is such a good example!  
If you ask Sophie who her best friend is? She always says, "Bibby!"
Good job, Libby!  I'm so glad you found something else you love to do!!

Mother's Day 2013

I'm so grateful for my Mom!  
She is such an amazing Mom & Grandma!!
I also feel so grateful to be a mom too,  it's such a blessing!
 I truly adore these kids!
 They are the best thing that has ever happened to me!
 Love these boys!
I feel so blessed to have such sweet girls!!

Libby's Surgery...

On May 8, 2013 Libby had to have surgery on her chin again!
She'd had a traumatic bone cyst & had surgery to fix it in December of 2011.  
Everything was healing great & then we went for her final year checkup & it was back! :(
This almost never happens & there are only about two other people on record for having it come back after surgery! 
 Libby said, "Why did I have to be the unique one for this?"
I have to admit I was a nervous wreck because the oral surgeon wasn't sure what to do.  
She then had to have a CT scan & they sent it to Washington State where they specialize it this kind of thing.  They said they have seen it a few times & surgery would be needed again.
We are praying this works!
 It was pretty sore & she could only eat soft foods for 2 weeks!
She really did amazing, but is so sad she couldn't finish volleyball this season!
She still can't chew on her front teeth for 2 more weeks...that is the hard part!
Luckily, she recovered quickly & so far everything seems to be healing well, now we just have to wait & see if it comes back again!

Taming Of The Shrew

Libby has been busy...
She had a big part in a play, surgery & a dance recital all within a few weeks of each other!
To start with, She had a big role in the Shakespearean play Taming Of The Shrew.  
 She played the part of "Trania". 
In the original play the part was a boy named "Tranio".
 I have to admit Shakespeare isn't one of my favorite things...
It is hard to understand, but these kids did a terrific job memorizing all of their lines!
I would never have been able to memorize what they did!
Good job, Libby!!  We LOVE you!