Saturday, October 31, 2009

HaLLoWeeN 2009

This year....

We had a Vampira & her 2 bats!

and a dog!

What scary little bats...Zack & Tyler

They can even fly!





They don't look very excited for Halloween!

They went trick or treating for 2 hours!

Steve said that this little punk took two pieces of candy at EVERY house!
He didn't have room left in his bucket....

It was overflowing into the stroller!!

Zack has plenty of candy to last him for the next year!!

Libby LOVES those peanut butter cups!!

Tyler didn't think he had quite enough...
I caught him grabbing handfuls of candy from the bowl of candy we were passing out & he was adding it to his pile!!



The Petersons said...

Fun Halloween. I didn't get to look closely at the customs
when you came to our house. Next time I won't be o busy. We had fun though. Save the candy for Christmas. I use to.

Natallee said...

Love the costumes! So cute!

amberjill said...

hahaha I love their faces! So in to their costumes! We've got some cute boys, I tell ya! I can't believe how much Tyler and Grady look alike. How fun!!

Shauna said...

Thanks Sally for all the pictures. What would we do without you and your camera? What fun pictures. What a bunch of "Spooks"!!! Can't believe it's already November!