Saturday, January 29, 2011

Grandparent's Day!

Yesterday was grandparent's day for Zack's class. He was so excited to have my parents come to school with him for most of the day. They did a singing program, ate lunch together, then a dancing program & some activities back in their class. It was over 4 hours! I'm sure it was a long day for my parents, but they said Zack was so cute & excited!

Zack as a grandpa!

The singing program

Zack & Kendall
This is Zack's dance partner. They did the Waltz & square dancing.

Then Grandma & Grandpa got to join in...

Grandma Steen & Zack

Pa-Pa & Zack

Lunch time....

He filled out a book about his grandparents. For grandpa he wrote, "I like it when my grandpa...takes me 4-wheeling." "My grandpa likes trucks." "My grandpa is very good at...math." "My grandpa & I like to...sort quarters." "My grandpa is great because...he is nice!"

For grandma's book he wrote, "My grandma is very good" "My grandma likes to...write poems." "I like it when my me candy." "My grandma and I like to...go to lunch." "My grandma is great because...she is nice!"

Thanks for spending the day with Zack...he sure loves you!!


Shauna said...

We sure love Zack! We had a great time and the four hours went very quickly. He smiled most the time. He was also an excellent dance instructor and quite the singer. Thanks for inviting us, Zack. . . you made our hearts happy!

amberjill said...

your school does a great job! Our grandparents day here was before school. they gave the grandparents leftover muffins and donuts from mom and dads day the days before. all they said was, here are some treats. our book fair is on the stage. very disappointing. looks like you guys had a great day! :)

pan x 8 said...

I love that program! I'm sad we are changing schools next year and hope amberjill isn't talking about Draper Elementary. *fingers crossed!

Marilyn said...

Looks like fun like we had a couple of years ago. Maybe we can be there next year for Zack.