Monday, December 14, 2009


Last week Libby & I were able to go with Grandma & Grandpa Peterson & Jaxynn to the
"Forgotten Carols" it was a great way to get us into the true Christmas Spirit!

Jaxynn, Libby, Grandpa & Grandma

Libby & Grandpa

Grandma & Jaxynn

The kids have also had a good time playing in the snow...

Zack did a little sledding in the back yard.

We still haven't gotten enough snow to build our big slide in the front yard...hopefully soon!

Josh & Zack

Josh's crash landing.

Libby, Zack, Tyler, Josh & Jazzy starting a snow fort.

Look at Tyler's smile...he is loving the snow this year!

Even Mickey had fun trying to catch "snow" balls!

Josh & Mickey had matching coats.
Zack LOVES the snow & kept smiling so here are a few cute pictures of him...

Snow angels

This was the longest Tyler has stayed out in the snow to play.

But, all fun soon comes to an end....Today Tyler Man got the stomach flu!!

We were at lunch with Grandma & Shelly. He LOVES Shelly, so of course he sat by her....poor Shelly!!! He threw up ALL over her. It was everywhere! I've never seen so much liquid come out of one little person. Shelly & Tyler were both soaked!! I still feel so bad for you Shelly! Luckily, she is awesome & handled it like a pro. I on the other hand was so shocked, I didn't know what to do for a few minutes. That put an end to our Walmart day adventure. Now, I'm just hoping Shelly & my mom have super immunities & won't get sick too!!


Shelly said...

We are all fresh now!!!! We'll try again tomorrow!!! Just think of $ it saved me!!!! Hope you feel better Ty- I mean little foot!!!!

pan x 8 said...

Okay... we need to get out in the snow more this year.. not sure why we haven't as much as years before...