Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

Tyler, Libby & Zack

Ready to come down and see what Santa brought.

All three of them were obviously on the nice list!

Libby was excited to get things for her American Girl Doll.

Zack got more Bakugan things.

Tyler got a Zhu Zhu pet!

Steve was happy with his new boots,
but his happiness soon passed as he got this job....

Can they make it any harder to get toys out of the package??? It took forever!!

We had a great Christmas morning and then we went to my parent's house for my favorite Christmas meal....Norwegian pancakes!

My kids were so excited because they are very spoiled by Grandma & Pa-Pa!
We had a great time eating and opening presents. Then there was a knock at the door and we found this.....

Water running out of my parents front yard all the way down the street!

The main water pipe broke!

The poor city worker got to spend Christmas at my parent's house too! Unfortunately, it wasn't an easy fix.

It started with digging & digging...

Then it got dark & they sent the big trucks....

They cut a big hole out of the driveway & were still working when we left, but they did finally get it fixed!!

It added a little excitement this year!
Luckily, for Grandpa it was the pipe close enough to the street, so he didn't have to pay for all that work to be done!!
We are all very blessed & so glad for the fun day together!!
Here are a few more pictures from our fun day....

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve 2009

On Christmas Eve Day, my kids had a lot of fun playing in the snow. This is when we like living on a hill. They even got a little skiing in!

Zack, Tyler & Libby

Tyler hated snow last year....not anymore!

Libby practicing her "pie"

Zack could stay out in the cold ALL day!

I LOVE that smile!

I think we have another "little" skier on our hands!

We ended the fun with lunch from McDonald's....

I think Zack had more fun with the box
than he did with the toy that comes in it!

We had dinner at my parents & it was a smaller group this year, but it was really fun.

My dad, Shelly, Shane, Dallin & Denette

My mom, Dave, John & Sherry

Josh, Wyatt & Bailey

Christmas Eve is also my brother-in-law Dave's birthday! He LOVES Halloween & has a whole room with decorations all year long. He got a few fun gifts to add to his collection.

Happy Birthday Dave

Shelly & Dave and their "kid"

I always remember playing bingo at my grandma Steen's house on Christmas Eve, so this year we kept the tradition alive.

Then all the kids changed into their new pajamas

Dallin, Wyatt, Josh, Bailey, Porter & Zack
Looking Good in the neighborhood!!

Then it was time to head home to get ready for Santa!

My kids left cookies & milk for Santa and also remembered his reindeer. They left spinach lettuce & carrots for them to enjoy! They got to bed at midnight...just in time for Santa!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Liberty's First Piano Recital

Libby was first on the program.
(Don't you love her new glasses!)

Libby & Cinda
She LOVES her piano teacher!

She did such a good job!
She played Jingle Bells & Silent Night.
You can watch the video by clicking here.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gingerbread House

It has been a CRAZY week.
Steve has been working really late all week & all weekend. Then sickness somehow made it to our house again. Steve started last weekend, then Tyler got it on Monday, Libby came home after school on Thursday with it & last night Zack started at 9:30pm & didn't go to sleep without throwing up until 6:00am! But before that excitement began we found time to make their gingerbread house.

I love the "melting" snowman in the front!

They were very happy with how it turned out!
I do have one thing to say, "forget the frosting & hot glue the structure together!" That's what we finally did with the roof!!

Tyler was such a good helper this year! Even Libby said he was good at making gingerbread houses.
He must of enjoyed it because this morning he kept insisting I make a cake. We made "cake" cookies. He once again wanted to pour things in and mix it. I was talking to my sister on the phone and said, "I wish I could make myself like cooking!" And Tyler replied, "I like cookin!!"
This kid is too funny!
Then later today he was bugging Zack and I said, "Santa can see you, be nice." Then he replied, "Then Santa just heard me fart!" I'm still laughing as I write this....he is such a boy!!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Last week Libby & I were able to go with Grandma & Grandpa Peterson & Jaxynn to the
"Forgotten Carols" it was a great way to get us into the true Christmas Spirit!

Jaxynn, Libby, Grandpa & Grandma

Libby & Grandpa

Grandma & Jaxynn

The kids have also had a good time playing in the snow...

Zack did a little sledding in the back yard.

We still haven't gotten enough snow to build our big slide in the front yard...hopefully soon!

Josh & Zack

Josh's crash landing.

Libby, Zack, Tyler, Josh & Jazzy starting a snow fort.

Look at Tyler's smile...he is loving the snow this year!

Even Mickey had fun trying to catch "snow" balls!

Josh & Mickey had matching coats.
Zack LOVES the snow & kept smiling so here are a few cute pictures of him...

Snow angels

This was the longest Tyler has stayed out in the snow to play.

But, all fun soon comes to an end....Today Tyler Man got the stomach flu!!

We were at lunch with Grandma & Shelly. He LOVES Shelly, so of course he sat by her....poor Shelly!!! He threw up ALL over her. It was everywhere! I've never seen so much liquid come out of one little person. Shelly & Tyler were both soaked!! I still feel so bad for you Shelly! Luckily, she is awesome & handled it like a pro. I on the other hand was so shocked, I didn't know what to do for a few minutes. That put an end to our Walmart day adventure. Now, I'm just hoping Shelly & my mom have super immunities & won't get sick too!!