Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reflections Contest...

Libby was chosen as one of the winners in the Reflections Contest this year!
She was one of the winners in the Visual Arts category.
The theme was "The Magic of a Moment..."
She titled her drawing "Sunrise...Sunset...Every day is a gift!"

On January 3, 2013 they had an awards ceremony at the Jr. High.
Here she is waiting to receive her award.
Walking to take a place on the stage.
Good Job, Libby!
Keep up the good work!


Natalie Nicole said...

I loved the Reflections contest! Your drawing is great, Libby!

Shauna said...

Way to go. . . Miss Liberty! G-pa and I are so proud of you! That is something most people don't accomplish in a lifetime. Never quit drawing! Love you so much!!!

Shelly said...

Libby you are awesome!!! love ya!