Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year's Eve 2012

It's hard to believe it's 2013!
All day I kept talking with my mom & sisters about what we should do that night for New Year's Eve...then we decided to just not do anything.  Then my kids changed my mind!
Our New Year's Eve turned out pretty good for not having any plans until about 6:00 that night.
 We had pizza & treats, the kids played rock band while we watched the movie "New Year's Eve"!
The night went by fast this year & all of a sudden it was time to get ready for the count down!
 I got the sparklers ready...
Sherry & Alayna got their coats on...
So did my mom...
Sophie got on her pajamas...
She had a late nap & was still up partying at midnight, pretty good for only being "1"!
Then we counted down & headed outside...
In the FREEZING cold!
Then as tradition if there is a sled hill out front, my kids go sledding!
 I love this picture of Zack!

Libby went head first down the hill!
 Jazzy took a turn!
 Then our neighbors Natasha & Cassie went down...

The wimps stayed inside and watched from the window...
Yes, that would be me!
Mickey looks excited for the 2013 doesn't he?

Here are few more pictures from the night...
 Zack was having a fun night!
 Sherry & Jazzy
Kodi & John
Even after midnight, Sophie was up and ready to make a few phone calls to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
Let's hope it's a good year!

1 comment:

Shauna said...