Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Libby's Lucky Day...

Each month at her orthodontics office they have a contest. Last month, Libby took a guess at how many M&M's she thought were in the jar. Then when we went to her appointment a few weeks ago she found out she won! Her prize was a $50.00 check!! She was SO excited. Libby decided to take the check and open a savings account...she is very excited that she even has an ATM card now! I'm glad she is learning how to save her money!!


Shauna said...

Way to go, Libby! You're amazing! Love your sweet face and I'm really glad I have a RICH granddaughter. . . let's do lunch!

Candace said...

That's so great!

pan x 8 said...

Cool prize Libby! Way to go!

Natalie Nicole said...

No way! I don't know if I've ever won one of those guessing jar games- congrats!