Christmas Eve...
We actually started the day off by attending a wedding.
Then we went to Chick-fil-a for lunch.
The kids got a picture with the mooy-Christmas cow!
Then we came home and made sugar cookies together & headed to my parent's house.
The Norwegian Santa delivered a few gifts.
With the help of his reindeer & Co-Santa this year.
We also got a surprise visit from a real Santa too! It was actually my parent's bishop delivering a gift & I think we surprised him when all the kids came down the hall to see him!
We celebrated with my Uncle Roy & Aunt Anne & Cousin Erik. We always have our traditional Norwegian meatballs & rice pudding for dessert. My aunt hides an almond in one of the bowls & whoever has it wins a marsipan pig. This year she surprised us and put in 5 almonds. I was a winner & got to pick a Scandinavian chocolate bar.
We also celebrated Dave & Roy's birthdays.
Then we headed home & put out cookies for Santa & salad for the reindeer & headed off to bed!
They left cute notes for Santa & his reindeer.
Christmas Day...
Zack, Libby & Tyler waiting to go down to see what Santa brought.
They were so cute...they wanted me & Steve to open the gifts they made for us first!
They are great kids & were happy to see that Santa had brought some of the things they asked for.
Libby was excited to get American Doll Accessories.
And a matching outfit for her & her doll.
Zack got his microscope & a telescope...he's our science guy!
Tyler was thrilled with his "viking" costume.
He LOVES the movie, How To Train Your Dragon.
He also let grandpa try on the hat since he's a real Norwegian Viking!
We celebrated the rest of the day at my parent's house.
They sure spoiled everyone! Thanks for all you do for us...Love Ya!!
We had a very Merry Christmas & have been so blessed this year!!