Friday, November 20, 2009

Someone's excited for Christmas...

The Christmas train is out!

This will entertain him for hours....

Tyler still loves Lightning McQueen, but trains are his new obsession.
Next week,
we can officially start decorating for Christmas....I can't wait!!


Shauna said...

Just like his Uncle Shane. They do love those trains! He is so cute. "Poppy" is so proud that he's the one that "made him that way"! I got my outside Christmas lights up and will tackle the inside next week too. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

amberjill said...

Sally, Costco has Lightning McQueen GeoTrax train sets! We bought some GeoTrax off of Craigslist and pulled them out 3 weeks ago, I haven't seen my kids since! :) What a cutie!!

The Petersons said...

Where's my train. I use to have one. I need to get a Geotrax so the kids can play.