Saturday, April 26, 2014

Happy "3rd" Birthday Sophie...

I really can't believe my baby is three!
I'll admit, when I was putting her to bed last night, I got a few tears in my eye.
Time is going by so kids are all getting so big!
Sophie brings so much happiness to our lives!
We all adore you!
You are at such a fun age, you like to pretend play.  
I never know what princess you will be in the morning!
You are also such a great helper!  You are my little shadow all day long!
You help me fold clothes, decorate or anything else I'm working on!
You are growing so fast, I can't believe how little you look in these pictures!

A few things about you now that you are THREE:
-You love music!  You know the words to all kinds of songs! 
-You love the movie Frozen & know all of the lines.  You are always Anna & you make Libby be Elsa.  On Friday, I told you to wake her up & Libby said you came to the side of the bed and kept repeating, "Psst, Elsa wake up! Do you want to build a snowman?"  Then we could here you on the other side of the bathroom door singing, "I know you're in there..."  It was hilarious!!
-You love Princess Sophia & were in shock when you got to meet her in Disneyland...
You actually got to walk her to her lessons, it was awesome!
-Your other favorite toys are Doc McStuffin, barbies, your Dr. kit and dressing up!
-You love to spell your name...
I wrote your name in the sand on the beach and you hopped to every letter spelling your name for about an hour!  It was so cute!!
-You can be a little stubborn at times, this is making potty training difficult!  You are my first kid to be three and not be trained.  We've tried a few times, but now we are taking a little break because you say things like, "Diapers are great!"  When I ask you if you want to try?  You say, "No!"  I'm hoping this attitude doesn't last too long!
-Most important you make us smile everyday & we are so lucky you are in our family!!
Happy Birthday Sophie!!!

1 comment:

Shauna said...

She really does make everyone HAPPY!