Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We are having a GIRL!!
She is due the first week of May.

The ultrasound was yesterday & all of our kids wanted to come. They were SO excited. I was so relieved when they said everything was good so far. Then when they told us it was a girl, we all cheered! Libby is especially excited to finally have a sister. We are probably going to name her "Sophie".

After the ultrasound we met my mom & Shelly for lunch at Quilted Bear & celebrated by eating our "Pink" sugar cookies.
I couldn't resist...I had to buy a couple of headband bows.
I'm a little afraid this baby is going to be VERY spoiled by everyone.

Today my sister already bought her a blanket & cute outfit!!

Look at those cute ruffles on the bum!!
I always say, "If you have a baby girl you have to "decorate" them!" She is off to a good start!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Piano Recital

Libby had her piano recital tonight. She did a good job. They played on huge 10ft. grand piano. Their teacher said that Sir Paul McCartney had come to Utah recently for a concert & this is the one he used for the concert. Libby thought it was a little loud & the keys seemed slippery. It seemed like it was messing up quite a few of the kids. It was fun to hear all the Christmas songs.

She played Up On The Housetop & Deck The Halls.

Up On the Housetop was a duet with her teacher.

Here she is practicing before the recital.

We finally got a "real" piano & it is so fun to see her progress.
She literally doesn't walk past it without playing it now.
It was made in the 1890's & I love it. The style of the old pianos are so beautiful to me & we lucked out to get one that sounds good too. Someone told us we had to decide if we wanted a piece of furniture or an instrument...Luckily I think we found both qualities.

She was also so excited because I finally found a dress that came with a matching one for her doll.
They usually only come in the small sizes. There was one left in her size & the best part was the price...it didn't have a tag & the boy at the chekout said, "Does $9.99 sound fair?" I said, " it was probably at least $20.00" Then he replied, "$9.99 it is." Then I had a coupon & got 30% more off.
It was a fun night that we ended with dinner at Red Robin.
Good Job, Libby!

Here she is playing for us when we got home.

I didn't have the video from the recital because it was on Steve's phone & I'm not sure how to download it on here.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A new tradition...
In the December issue of 'The Friend' magazine was an activity called the scripture tree. It is a countdown to Christmas. Each day there is a question & then a scripture you read to answer it. Then you add the ornament to the tree. My kids have LOVED this. We decided to make a felt tree with ornaments so we can do it each year at Christmas.

We just added velcro to stick the ornaments on.

This is how it will look when the countdown is over.
I can't believe how close we are...only a few ornaments are left!!

We also forgot to post pictures of the trees in the kid's rooms...




One last funny story about Tyler...My mom had given each kid a chocolate countdown to Christmas, so we hung them above their little trees. They each ate the first day & then on the second day Zack said, "Tyler come & eat your chocolate for today." He said, " I can't until Christmas because I only have one left under the moon & one under Santa's leg." So that's what he had been doing so quietly in his room the day before! He is patiently waiting for the last two days to enjoy his remaining chocolate!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

November 2010

Our November was filled with lots of food, fun & family.
It was so nice this year because Steve & the kids had the whole week off. We had a lot of fun family time. We got the Christmas decorations up, the kids got to sled, ski & we even went to see the movie, Tangled. We loved it! Unfortunately, we have ended this fun week with the stomach flu. It was sure fun while it lasted!

Our tree

The boys favorite part...the train.


First ski day of the year.

Tyler-man even went this year!
He came home and said, " Are you proud of me, Mom?" Then he gave me a big hug. It was hard for me to let my little one go. He was so excited though!

Ending the fun day with some hot cocoa.

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
We are very grateful for all of our blessings!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010


Tyler waiting for the parade to start.

Libby, the "good" witch.

Zack the ghost. He has a cool mask, but he couldn't wear it to school.

Libby & Jazzy

Zack & Noah


Steve is the master carver...he is very patient & only cut his hand once!

Tyler got out his hammer to help him poke the holes to carve Pikachu!

Libby designed her own ghost face.

Zack did an awesome monster.

Here are the finished pumpkins....mine is the traditional one, Zack's is the monster, Steve's is the pirate ship, Tyler's is the Pikachu & Libby's is the ghost!


Pikachu, a witch & a ghost!

Tyler was SO excited this year!

Libby looked great...our dog Mickey didn't recognize her with the black wig & would bark at her. It was funny!

Zack in his full ghost costume...SCARY!

They made it home to count their candy!

We hope you had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Family Campout 2010

We spent a "luxury" weekend away....there was golfing, boating & gourmet meals!
We had our annual Steen camp out at Palisades Park this year. It was something new & fun. Not everyone could make it this year, but it still ended up being a good time!

Now these boats get you some exercise!

Denette, Dallin & Libby

Wyatt & Zack

Steve & the boys

Shane & Bailey

Bailey, Grandma & Shelly

I had to put this one on...see the girl laying out on the dock...she was invaded by our family!


We brought something new to the golf course this year...bikes, scooters & a bunch of kids walking up the path to the driving range. We got a few glares from the "real" golfers, but the kids loved it!

This is our group of golfers.

Zack was excited to try out his clubs on a real golf course.

Grandma even gave it a try.

Shane knows how to send those balls flying!

My aunt & uncle (Norma & Tom) always make us a dutch oven dinner. Usually we go to their house, but this year they even brought it to us at the campsite. It was SO YUMMY!! I feel bad that I didn't get their picture. They did this for us & it was even their anniversary!
We also enjoyed a lot of other junk food over the weekend, but one of our favorites is always...

Yummy Smores!

They'll always put a smile on your face!
Tyler was happy with just the chocolate!

My kids were in heaven when my brother Sam helped them to catch some guppies from the little lake. They are still alive in a water bottle on Libby's desk!

Uncle Sam, Libby, Tyler, Davey, Adam & Zack

Zack, Adam & Tyler looking for fish.

Libby catching a few.

It was a lot of fun & freezing at night, but so much fun!

Thanks Dad!
We just might have to do the "luxury" resort next year too!