Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas Eve 2013

It was another wonderful Christmas Eve...
 We ate a yummy dinner.
We celebrated with Roy, Anne, Lise, Erik & Lilly.
It's always fun to see everyone.  
Here a are a few more pictures of everyone...
 Roy, Shelly & John
 Denette & Dallin
The kids played a few games
 Me & Steve
We celebrated Dave's birthday with a Spongebob Cake!
 We also sang to uncle Roy whose birthday is actually on Christmas Day!
 My mom made Dave this cute "Halloween" candy jar.
This year we also celebrated "St. Lucia"...
Here is the story of why this day was celebrated.
 Libby & Jazzy lighted the night for us!
Sophie did a great job too!
Then our Scandinavian Santa arrived...
 With some helpers!
Zack, Tyler, Lilly & Wyatt
 Lilly & Tyler
I had to get a picture of these two cute boys...
 Zack & Tyler
All of the boys got Christmas ties...
 We always have to get one silly picture...
 I love these kids!
Not only was it Dave's birthday, he also had the almond in his rice pudding...
 He won the marsipan pig!!
It was a fun night & then it was time to hurry home to bed for Santa!!
My kids left notes, cookies & milk for Santa.  They left an apple for his reindeer!
Ah...the magic of Christmas!!

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