Thursday, May 30, 2013

Libby's Surgery...

On May 8, 2013 Libby had to have surgery on her chin again!
She'd had a traumatic bone cyst & had surgery to fix it in December of 2011.  
Everything was healing great & then we went for her final year checkup & it was back! :(
This almost never happens & there are only about two other people on record for having it come back after surgery! 
 Libby said, "Why did I have to be the unique one for this?"
I have to admit I was a nervous wreck because the oral surgeon wasn't sure what to do.  
She then had to have a CT scan & they sent it to Washington State where they specialize it this kind of thing.  They said they have seen it a few times & surgery would be needed again.
We are praying this works!
 It was pretty sore & she could only eat soft foods for 2 weeks!
She really did amazing, but is so sad she couldn't finish volleyball this season!
She still can't chew on her front teeth for 2 more weeks...that is the hard part!
Luckily, she recovered quickly & so far everything seems to be healing well, now we just have to wait & see if it comes back again!


Rebecca said...

Poor girl, sorry Libby

Shauna said...

Poor Libby. . . what a brave girl! Hope it works this time. Love her so much!