Sunday, July 8, 2012

Celebrating Our "LIBERTY"

We started celebrating with lunch at T.G.I.F.
I looked up from our table & saw the perfect wall mural...
So we had to get a picture of our Lady Liberty with "The" Lady Liberty!
We enjoyed a YUMMY lunch!

 Sophie is wearing Libby's "1st" birthday outfit!!
It still looks cute!!
The kids enjoyed their cup of dirt...with worms!!
Zack's worm was still a little "muddy"!!

Then it was time for her Birthday BBQ....
It was a much smaller group & fireworks were banned from our neighborhood this year, but we had so much FUN!
 We played games....
 We talked....
 Made Snow Cones...
 They were a huge hit!!
Look at Sophie licking the sides of her mouth!!

We sang Happy Birthday & had dessert...

Libby opened her gifts... 
 It was so funny when she opened this gift from Shelly...
Shelly said, "Oh do you already have that game?" and Libby said," yes".  Then Shelly says, "Oh that's too bad...I guess you better see what's in the box then!"  Her face was priceless! It was actually the cutest owl necklace & earrings!
My parents gave her this awesome shirt they got from the Denver Mint when they went on vacation's perfect!

She has been really wanting a tablet of some kind to draw & read with.  She new they were too expensive for a birthday gift so when she open up the gift & it was a stylus & a picture of a tablet she thought we were teasing her!  When she found out a tablet will be here in 2 weeks...she couldn't believe it!  She asked like 4 times if she really gets one.  The one we got isn't actually much more than a DS & none of our kids have anything like that & we know she'll really be able to use this for school & for fun!
Steve was talking about it with some guy at work & the guy said, "Isn't that kind of a big gift for a birthday"? And he replied, "You don't know my daughter!"  He then said, "No kid is that good!"
The truth is ...she really is THAT good! I don't know how we lucked out with such a sweetheart!!

Since we couldn't do fireworks the kids had fun with their glow necklaces & swords...
Front: Adam, Tyler, Davey, Josh, Sophie
Back: Zack , Libby, Jazzy
 Crazy kids!

Then Steve set up a movie outside for everyone to watch....
 Let's just say...Steve always goes a little CrAzY with his projects!
 He didn't skimp on the sound system!
The kids watched "Matilda"  when it got dark...
But while we were waiting for it to get dark he played a DVD of a Kenny Chesney concert...A gift that I gave him a year or two ago & he's never watched it! ;)
It was just like being at the real concert...
I almost touched his hand!  (ha...ha)

It was another great year!!
We are so thankful for America & for the freedoms we've been given!
Happy 4th Of July!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Liberty!!

I can't believe our 4th of July girl is...
We are so lucky to have you in our lives!!  
It seems like yesterday we were celebrating your "1st" birthday!

"11" things about you now:
-You still LOVE to read!
-You love owls & were so excited to get a bag & jewelry with them on it for your birthday!
-You love to draw Manga (big eyed comic characters from Japan) & are very good at it!
-You love Costa Vida's sweet pork could eat them every day if we let you!
-You are a great big sister!  Sophie follows you around yelling "bibby!"
-You love taking piano lessons & play so well!
-You are so really appreciate what you have & always say, "thank you"!
-You are so excited to start dance lessons this year!
-You are a wonderful student & try so hard at school!
-You have an amazing memory, I can't believe the things they had you memorize at school last year... 
(The Gettysburg Address, The Declaration Of Independence, The states, capitals & abbreviations, & all of the names of the U.S. Presidents) I would of never passed the 5th grade, but I think they have her ready for law school :)
-You love writing stories & would like to be an author someday!

Happy Birthday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cub Country....

Zack was so excited for Cub Country this year!  
The night before he made his lunch, got his clothes all set out on his chair & was in bed right on started early!  He had such a GREAT time!
When he got home & came up the stairs I thought they must of done a mining project or rolled down a dirt hill!  He was filthy!
From Head....
 To Toe...
 He said it was a great day!!
He can't wait for next year!

Family Time At Millcreek....

Last week, we had a picnic with the Peterson's.   
Dan & Steph were in town, so it was so fun to see them!
 Sophie & Eden enjoying watermelon with Trent...they are so cute!
 AJ, Eli, Zack & Tyler playing games.
Sophie played a few card games with Jaxynn.
She met her cousin McKall for the first time!
My kids loved the little river...
It was so pretty up there we decided to take a few pictures...
 Me & my cute girls....
I always forget how pretty the mountains are...we really need to go up there more often!

My Little Workers...

It was time for our play set to be stained again so Steve started it one night & of course the boys wanted to help.  I came out a few hours later because it was dark & this is what I found...
They were still working!  They added a few spotlights so they could see.
They almost finished it all!
I LOVE these guys!!
 I love that they are such great helpers!
They are happy while they work too...
 I asked Zack if he put on old  pants & he said, "Oh yea, they have a hole & they are above my ankles!"
As you can see in the picture above!  
 I actually think they did a better job painting than the "professionals" we hired on the house! :)
 It's amazing how quickly kids learn.
 It makes them feel good to accomplish something too.
They are definitely hired for next year!!