Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Tyler's "FIRST" broken bone...

Tyler lookin' good
in his new sling & Libby's swim shoes.

On Saturday Tyler walked in front of Zack while he was swinging with his soccer cleats on. His foot smacked into Tyler's collar bone. It was a long experience at the doctor's office because from the 1st x-ray the doctor couldn't tell if it broke in or out....if it broke in, it could puncture a lung or another organ. So, three x-rays later (which traumatized poor Ty man) we finally found out it broke the right way. We were very blessed!! So now he gets to sport around his nice sling for a few weeks. As you can see by the picture above the break hasn't slowed down my little "ham" at all!!!

I love this picture of Tyler on the cell phone telling Pa-Pa Steen about his rough day. You gotta love those legs!!


Libby had her "FIRST" day of school on Monday....

All ready for second grade!!


Shelly said...

I'd be closing my eyes too, if I was dressed in that CUTE outfit!!! We love you BEASTY BOY!!!

amberjill said...

poor Tyler! But he looks so happy, still. I can't believe Steve didn't tell me about this!!!

Clear the clutter said...

Poor kid! So sorry you all had to go through that. Hopefully this will be his first and last broken bone.

Kallie Dawg said...

Hey...sorry about the broken bone! We have had a couple of those! But, the good thing with kids is that they are still happy and are NOT slowed down a bit! ;)
....SO, how is the BOAT? We miss it. Wish we were out there rippin-it-up with you! Take care of her! And we expect to see pics!!!

Kallie Dawg said...

oh, yea,
I am signed in under MCKALL... it is really STEPH!

Julie said...

Poor kid, but he is so cute. I am so jealous you guys have started school. I can't wait to send the kids off. lol