Thursday, June 3, 2010


Today was the last day of school & we are SO happy! This will be our first long summer, since we've always been on year-round school. The last 2 weeks have felt crazy. Talent shows, field trips & end of year programs. I've been bad at taking pictures lately, but I did get a few from Zack's 1st grade was so cute! It was called Once Upon A Lily Pad & he was an alligator.

Zack...the alligator

Singing songs....

He did a great job on his part too!

Our summer has definitely's almost 11:00pm and we are all still up! Thank heavens we don't have to wake up early tomorrow!!


Shauna said...

Zack is such a cutie. . . and so sweet! Hooray for summer! Great times when you can stay up late and sleep late. It's even starting to feel like summer. . . nice warm days. Life is good, have fun!

Rebecca said...

I love summer and lots of time with kids and a change of routine. I hope you have a great summer and your vacation goes well too.

pan x 8 said...

I'm so so excited Summer is here!!!

Natallee said...

SOOO cute!
I am sooo excited for summer too!!