Happy Valentine's Day!!
My day started off great thanks to my sweet Libby.
She told me last night ( quite a few times) that I had to wake her up a little early & then I could go back to bed. So I woke her up & got back in bed. Then she came very quietly into my room thinking I was asleep & left this cute valentine on my nightstand. Thank you Libby! I love it!It says... Dear Mom & Dad, I love you so much!! thanks for all you do For me Have a Grat Valintines Day.
This was a card Libby left on the counter as a surprise a few weeks ago. It had money that she & Zack had saved to give us.
It said, Happy Vaitine Day... to MoM & dad
We want you to have a happy valintine
roses are red vilets Are blue we made this Powem Just For You.
What cute kids we have!!
Here are our cuties holding hands with their new Valentine bears.
Next, we took Libby to school only to find out that school didn't start until 10:25 today because of the snow. She & Zack were thrilled to be able to play together a little longer.
After we dropped her off to school Zack and I shoveled our driveway and he made a big heart in the snow & said he made it for me for Valentines day! Then our neighbor Travis delivered flowers for me from Steve (since he is still in the hospital).
Thank you Steve!
Then we took Steve a Valentine from the kids & visited with him for a while since he didn't get to come home today....hopefully he'll be feeling better tomorrow!!
I wish I had brought my camera because when we left Steve wanted a hug from Tyler & he never lies still (he is a BUSY boy), but he just cuddled on his dad's chest for a few minutes! It was so sweet to think our little guy new just what his dad needed right now!
Next, my parents took us to dinner for free margarita night!! It was really nice. We always get flan for dessert to share, which Libby loves! So, trying to be positive about her dad being stuck at the hospital she said, "Well I guess without dad here tonight I'll get to eat more flan." She is such a sweet & funny girl!!
That is hilarious that your kids left you a card with money!! Maybe Winni can come spend some time with your kids so I can start getting money, too! :)
Cute Kids! Happy Valentine's Day! We've been wondering about Steve! We've had a crazy week! I'm going to call you in the morning! Love ya!
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