Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day Of School 2010

This was our first year having a full summer break...we are finally on traditional schedule. The weird part is this summer FLEW by! I really can't believe school started today.

Libby is in 4th grade this year!

She has Mrs. Stuart & was SO excited because her best friend Summer is in her class...then she was very excited to find out her cousin Jasmine was coming to our school & somehow they got in the same class!!


Zack is in 2nd grade this year!

He has Mrs. Bronson & was so excited to have his best friend Noah in his class.

My kids had a great 1st day! They were very happy when I picked them up today.

Tyler on the other hand, was ready to pick them up at 9:30am, 10:00am, 10:30am. Then he started sobbing when I told him we'd pick them up after going to Walmart. He said, we couldn't go without them! He REALLY missed them!

Well we're back to a regular bedtime & schedule...the hardest part is no more sleeping in for me!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Zack!

It's hard to believe this cute little guy is 7 years old today!!

August 5, 2010

He's been counting down for weeks!
Everyday he'd say how many more days were left until his birthday.
We LOVE this kid!!

He had swimming lessons tonight and he wanted Grandma & Grandpa to come & watch.

Then he wanted to have dinner at Chuck-a-Rama.

All of my kids were excited to eat there...they love picking out their own food.
They especially love the slushies.

Tyler really enjoyed his tonight!

He said it was Tiger's blood!

Here he is getting ready to unwrap his present....

I think we succeeded! Look at that smile!
( I also LOVE Jazzy's reaction!)

Aunt Shelly surprised him with the Mickey Mouse Magician hat...

He REALLY wanted it when we were in California!

Grandpa liked it too!

He was also happy to get a phone call from Grandma & Grandpa Peterson. They are in Nauvoo on a mission.

He had a great birthday...nothing better than good food, family & new toys to play with!

They even sang to him & brought out a root beer float.
I love his smile...Shelly said to smile like you just got a barbie! He thought that was pretty funny!

Jazzy, Libby & Steve

Tyler LOVES his brother!

Happy Birthday, Zack! We sure do love you!

Monday, August 2, 2010

The things we LOVE about summer....


These were from Draper Days...


We LOVE Snowshack!

We love to ride our bikes to the park & then stop for our snow cone at the end.

In the summer, this happens a few times a week!





This is one of our favorite places...

Steve getting ready for me to drive...does he look a little nervous?? He survived my changing speeds & will actually let me pull him up again!


I can't believe this is on my list...I'm still not a "real" camper,
But if you go with people you LOVE, to a place with showers & flushing toilets, it's not too bad!

Hey Josh...are you missing something? Shelly took your DS for the weekend!

These cute kids put on a Star Wars light show for us!

You should hear them singing the theme song!

They are cute!

My kids act like animals when we go camping...ha!ha!

Another great thing about camping is bringing yummy treats...

I think Tyler needs a BIGGER straw next time!

*late Nights*

This is what I usually find after movie night!
We stay up way too late in the summer, but that is another thing we love about it!

They can get bored at times & then they get creative & entertain me!

Once again it was the Star Wars theme song!

Libby plays the harmonica

Zack plays the Saxophone

And Tyler sings!

I can't believe it's already August & school starts in a few more weeks!
There is one thing we don't like about goes by too fast!